These musings are occasional in this chapter of immense transition, both personal, global and seasonal. If you are reading, thank you for being alongside on the journey. Thank you for your flexibility with irregularity. Like the trees, we are called to be rooted yet flexible. Just so. I watched the trees moved by strong winds this morning, moving from and returning to centre.
Our quote of the week suggests that deep roots give rise to freedom of movement. I would add freedom of thought and imagination too. To be deeply rooted is to be connected with your core, though shaken and stirred and covered over at times, your inner voice, inner feeling of solidity is there. To find that connection, try digging your feet into the ground, allowing your weight to be held by the earth and imagine breathing and taking energy from the soles of your feet way up to the top of your head.
We lose sight of the whole. The whole picture. Our peripheral view. Perspective. Our whole experience and whole being. Begin by encountering yourself, tips of fingers to top of head and tips of toes, cells, fibres, all. Begin by taking in the colours, scents and sensations you meet outside and the soft utterances from within.
Then, play is possible. The whole, the centre - located, a place to breathe from, return to, draw strength and instinct and courage from. Then, anything is possible.
Quote of the week:
To move freely you must be deeply rooted.
― Bella Lewitzky
For you to reflect on and perhaps write in your journal:
What are you focussed on, is your whole body and breath held as a result? Could you include more of your being and more of an expanded view?
In what way(s) are you rooted? In self, body, people, place, visuals and sounds?
Yoga & Sound for everyone
community yoga + sound meditation + live music
classes / workshops / circles / gatherings / one-to-one sessions
Gentle Restore & Reset Yoga returning on Mondays from January, email if you are interested and not yet in the loop
Sunday Thought
This is an email for regular attendees and curious thinkers across the globe.
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