Sunday morning rolls in and the sky is clear and the natural world is singing out loud. A punctuation point. A moment to stop everything and breathe in the summer air.
How is your sky today?
Weather systems, like states of being, are ever in flux. Allow yourself to feel all there is to feel, the full spectrum of sensory experience; dark and stormy emotions and soft sun contentment.
When the tablecloth is sharply pulled away, the crockery may smash and crash, and we are left to reshape the fragments into new creations. Insights perhaps outside of our ordinary orbit and idea of ourselves, as we courageously open up to the growth.
May we allow ourselves to unfold gently, as wildflowers appear serenely in unexpected places.
For you to reflect on and perhaps write in your journal:
Describe your mind sky today, with colour and texture
What has surprised you recently?
Are there any feelings you need to let move through you and be expressed?
Quote of the week:
Body like mountain; breath like wind; mind like sky.
― Tibetan meditation instruction
community yoga + sound meditation:
classes / workshops / circles / gatherings
. Monday Gentle Yoga ― 24th June 8:30am
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Yoga for everyone
If cost is a barrier for you at the moment, please say hello and we will find a way, your presence is what matters.
Sunday Thought
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