I woke up and it was October.
The soft early morning light cast across the garden and revealed three intricate spider webs. Without the sunlight, they were hidden from my sight. How easy it would have been to miss that revelation, waking up a fraction later as the clouds settled above or not glancing out at the garden and letting my eyes roam.
I began to reflect on how much is always inevitably out of our view, out of our central and peripheral vision and outside of our awareness.
Can we leave a door open for all that we cannot see, all that we are not aware of?
As the spiders weave away quietly and invisibly, so much of our own nature is obscured from our awareness when we are feeling down on ourselves. Similarly, we may feel wronged or offended, only seeing one piece of the puzzle, coloured by our own expectations and habitual ways of interpreting.
Not knowing.
Allowing oneself to be wrong.
To be surprised.
To learn, expand and deepen in awareness.
Beginning in any given moment.
For you to reflect on and perhaps write in your journal:
What has surprised me recently?
Where do I feel stuck? Is there an alternative way to look at it?
How might I cultivate a wider horizon of awareness and discovery?
Quote of the week:
Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
― Albert Camus
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Sunday Thought
This is an email for regular attendees and curious thinkers across the globe.
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